
Professionalism. Integrity. Reliability.

JobKeeper – One in all in

From 1 May 2020, there is an obligation that within seven days of enrolling to receive JobKeeper payments an employer must give a written notice to each of their employees.

The written notice must include the following:

  • Explain to employees what they need to do to be nominated by the entity for JobKeeper payments
  • Provide a copy of an JobKeeper Employee Nomination Form
  • State that the employee must provide the nomination form to the employer to receive JobKeeper payments
  • Include information about the steps the employee can take to give the entity the nomination notice

If you require further information regarding this new requirement, please do not hesitate to contact Griffin & Associates.

Source: Australian Taxation Office

Date: 09/05/2020

Griffin & Associates

79 Denham St, Townsville City QLD 4810

Phone 07 4772 6588

Chartered Accountants